Happy (Record-Breaking) New Year

I was talking with a very brilliant friend and we were sharing our dismay at how it’s very easy in professional work settings, especially after a global pandemic, to dramatically shrink your vocabulary and the minimemetics of something like a workplace means that it’s very easy for words to go from a rare or even ironically used turn of phrase into something we’re all saying all the time without thinking. Her example was the overuse of the word piece, ‘a piece of research’, ‘of a piece’. Piece, piece, piece. Horrible waste bin of a word. My example was the dominance of ‘vibe’ and ‘vibes’ replacing equally annoying and lazy ‘energy’ before it. Anyway, thanks to this revelation, which I am sure happens generationally, I’m back here. To stretch the word muscles. I hope you like the vibes of this new piece I have made for you. It is about how World Records are stupid.

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